Welcome To Yeshwantrao Chavan College Of Engineering
Attract best talent and create learning ambience.
Practice Innovative teaching-learning & research.
Integrate Industry-Institute Collaborations
Nurture students towards holistic development and choicest career. -
YCCE is committed to
“To become the most preferred institution providing innovative, research and value based, professional education for the society at large”.

Aims and Objectives
YCCE is committed to
Create an ambience (excellent research ambience and infrastructure) that encourage research.
To inculcate research culture among the students and faculties
To facilitate inter and multidisciplinary research
To publish Papers in journals of international repute, file patents and transfer technologies to relevant industries
To continuously monitor research outputs for ensuring Quality by appropriate committees
To create quality human resources for scientific research

Dr. Ujwalla Gawande
Dean R & D
YCCE, Nagpur
Dean R & D
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering has envisioned itself to become a well-known name in R & D activities in central India. It is a pleasure to inform you that research at YCCE has grown significantly in the last decade. The R and D department of YCCE, Nagpur aims to nurture sustainable research culture in emerging areas and to develop research capability of students, scholars, and institutional faculty members through keen Participation in reputed conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. R&D activities are encouraged at both departmental as well as institutional levels.

Grant Received from
External Funding Agency –
597.37 Lakhs (= 5.97 Cr)

Grant Received from
Inhouse Funding Scheme –
33.25855 Lakhs

Paper published in
Scopus - 1318 , Web of Science

Citation Index since 2016
SCOPUS 7156 WOS 3445

H Index SCOPUS 36 WOS 29

Patent Published 140
Patent Granted 105