
DepartmentThrust AreaNo of Faculties Working in the DomainNo of PhD in the DomainNo of Patent in the DomainNo of Copyright in the Domain
Computer TechnologyArtificial Intelligence & Data Science3110325
Image Processing105010
The Department of Computer Technology, of Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering was established in the year 1885 and is accredited by National Board of Accreditation. The department offers 3 major Thrust Areas including – “Artificial Intelligence & Data Science”, “Networking” and “Image Processing” and conducts a variety of research activities throughout the year. Equipped with cutting edge computing technologies and social trends, numerous student organizations are active in the department such as the “Computer Technology Students Council (CTSC)” and the “Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Students Chapter”. The department also takes the lead in setting up several student as well as faculty development research initiative programs, financed by government bodies and other global corporations.
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