
Data Science and Cloud Computing

Data Science & Cloud Computing is one of the major thrust areas in the Department of Computer Technology. The objective of this group is to carry out research in data science, cloud computing etc., including various other areas of Data Science & Cloud Computing. Data Science & Cloud Computing is in high demand in real-time applications. Cloud computing can help sort the local software when there is big data which helps business decisions. In data science there is a cleaning, preparing and analysing the data that is involved. Cloud computing is a mode of using network servers to store manage and control data. Department offers various courses like Data Mining, Business Intelligence to name a few.

Many faculties in the Department have attended many Short Term Training Programs, Faculty Development Programs, Workshops, Seminars and Expert Lectures in the field of this Data Science & Cloud Computing to enhance the knowledge and quality of the research in this group. Department had organized various training program/ workshops for the student in the area of Data Science & Cloud Computing for their development.
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