
Faculty Publications

S. Karale, Language processors, 1st ed, India: pothi.com, 2020. [Online]. Available: Pothi.com e-book.
R. Khedgaonkar, K. R. Singh, M. M. Raghuwanshi, “Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network with Optimization Techniques for Face Recognition” Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications Special Issue Vol.13, No.14, on Recent Trends in Intelligent Systems, Data Science, Communication and Computing, pp. 404-409, 2020.

A. R. Bhagat Patil, Saurabh Charde, Rutuj Waghare, Sachin Warbhe, Apurva Sarve, Punit Fulzele, Sonali Choudhary, “Thoughts to Movements – Motor Imagery Based Brain Computer Interface,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System, Vol:11, Issue: 8, pp:3168-3177, 2019

G.M. Dhopavkar, A.Patne, Om Borole, M. M. Kshirsagar, M. Takalikar, R. Wajgi, Pavan Bajaj, Implementation of Smart E-Gram Sabha in Villages”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, Special Issue-08, 2019

Harshita Bhisikar, Gauri Dhopavkar, Manu Devadas,Imtac India Pvt. Ltd., Punit Fulzele , “An Analytical Study of e-Assessment System”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, Special Issue-08, 2019

R. S. Khedgonkar, K. R. Singh, M. M. Raghuwanshi, Pravin Sonsare, “Face Recognition using Probabilistic Model for Locally Changed Face,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol:8, No:9,pp:2400-2406, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.I7633.078919, 2019

Yash Waghmare, Aditi Kale, Gauri M. Dhopavkar, “Marathi Derivational Morphological Analyzer”, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol 4, No 8, 2019 , e-ISSN: 2456-3463 Impact Factor Value 4.046

Patil MD, Dhopavkar GM, “English-Marathi Transliteration Using SVM Technique”, International Journal of Innovation In Engineering Research and Management, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2018.
Gauri Dhopavkar, Mohd Amir Aziz, Aniket Patne, Gaurav Kherde, Hrishikesh Hemke, Om Borole, “Digitization of Gram Sabha in Villages,” AICTE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Green Energy for Sustainable Development-2020, pp:78, 28th & 29th February 2020, ICGESD-2020-Track3-CSE3328

Madhura Mohod, Neha Geed, Kartik Lokhande, Mehar Singh Khurana and Shailesh Kamble, “Smart Irrigation System,” International Conference on Advancements in Computing & Management (ICACM-2019), pp: 709-716, 6 Oct. 2019

Sheta Mokhale, Gauri Dhopavkar, “A Study on different Multi-Document Summarization Techniques”, Third International conference on innovative Systems and control (ICISC 2019)978-1-5386-3950-4/19/$31.00©2019 IEEE.

Tushank Bangalkar, Chetan Bhadake, Sandesh Tapre, Akash Deshmukh, Deep Khode, Ashwini Yerlekar, Gauri Dhopavkar, “Investigating sentiment analysis using clustering and NLP Tool”, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO: 2249-7455 through International conference on TechTrends in Science & Engg, (ICTTSE), during 7-8 March 2019.
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