Important Cited Publications
Sr.No. |
Title of Paper ,Publication Details i.e. conf/journal page no. Authors |
Cited by |
Year of Publication |
1 |
Shweta A Wagh, U. P. Waghe , “Comparative Study of R.C.C and Steel Concrete Composite Structures” Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.369-376 . |
23 |
2014 |
2 |
B.V. Bahoria, D. K Parbat, P. B Naganaik, U. P. Waghe , “Comprehensive literature review on use of waste product in concrete” International journal of application or innovation in Engineering & management, ISSN 2319 – 4847, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 |
20 |
2013 |
3 |
Dhiraj Agrawal, Pawan Hinge, UP Waghe, S.P. Raut “ Utilization of industrial waste in construction material– A review” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.8390-8397 |
19 |
2014 |
4. |
J.M. Raut , S.P.Bajad, S.R.Khadeshwar, “Stabilization of Expansive Soils Using Flyash and Murrum ,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology , Vol. 3, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-8753 pp.14280-14284 |
13 |
2014 |
5. |
A.M. Shende , A.M. Pande , M. Gulfam Pathan , “Experimental Study on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete for M-40 Grade” International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 1, Issue 1 (September 2012), PP. 043-048. |
112 |
2012 |
6 |
A.M.Shende, A.M.Pande,“Comparative Study on Steel Fiber Reinforced cum Control Concrete” International journal of advanced engineering sciences, Volume 6, Issue 1 , PP. 116-120 |
31 |
2011 |
7. |
Pawade Prashant , Nagarnaik P.B., Pande A.M. “Performance of steel fiber on standard strength concrete in compression”International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering, Volume : 2, Issue : 2 PP 483 – 492) , Online ISSN : 0976-4399. |
29 |
2011 |
8. |
RN Nibudey, PB Nagarnaik, DK Parbat, AM Pande, “ Strength And Fracture Properties Of Post Consumed Waste Plastic Fiber Reinforced Concrete ,” International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development (IJCSEIERD), Volume : 3, Issue : 2 ,PP (9 – 16) |
27 |
2013 |
9 |
PY Pawade, AM Pande, PB Nagarnaik , “ Effect of steel fibers on modulus of elasticity of concrete” International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies ,Volume : 7, Issue : 2 PP (169-177) |
26 |
2011 |
10 |
R. N. Nibudey, P. B. Nagarnaik, D. K. Parbat, A. M. Pande , “Strengths Prediction of Plastic fiber Reinforced concrete (M30) ” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622 ,Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp.1818-1825 |
19 |
2013 |
11 |
RR Dighade, MS Kadu, AM Pande, “Challenges in water loss management of water distribution systems in developing countries ” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Volume : 3, Issue : 6 PP (13838-13846) |
17 |
2014 |
12 |
A.M. Pande, S.G.Makarande , “Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Concrete ” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp.1718-1723 |
17 |
2013 |
13 |
Prashant Y. Pawade, Nagarnaik P.B., Pande A.M., “Influence of Silica fume in enhancement of compressive strength, flexural strength of steel fibers concrete and their relationship ” International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering,Volume : 2, Issue : 1 PP. 43-55, Online ISSN : 0976-4399. |
15 |
2011 |
14 |
RN Nibudey, PB Nagarnaik, DK Parbat, AM Pande , “Cube and cylinder compressive strengths of waste plastic fiber reinforced concrete ” International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Volume : 4, Issue : 2 PP. 174-182 . |
14 |
2013 |
15 |
Shende A.M., Pande A.M. , “ Experimental study and prediction of tensile strength for steel fiber reinforced concrete ” International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering , Volume : 1, Issue : 4 PP . 910-917 Online ISSN : 0976-4399. |
13 |
2011 |
16 |
R. N. Nibudey, P. B. Nagarnaik, D. K. Parbat , A. M. Pande,“Compressive strength and sorptivity properties of pet fiber reinforced concrete ” International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology , ISSN: 2231196 |
12 |
2014 |
17 |
SP Raut, RV Ralegaonkar, SA Mandavgane, “ Development of sustainable construction material using industrial and agricultural solid waste: A review of waste-create bricks ” Construction and building materials . Volume 25 Issue10 , Pages 4037-4042 |
305 |
2011 |
18 |
D Rajput, S.S. Bhagade, S.P. Raut, R.V. Ralegaonkar, S.A. Mandavgane , “Reuse of cotton and recycle paper mill waste as building material Construction and Building Materials ” Volume -34 , Pages -470-475. |
110 |
2012 |
19 |
SP Raut, Rohant Sedmake, Sunil Dhunde, RV Ralegaonkar, Sachin A Mandavgane, “Reuse of recycle paper mill waste in energy absorbing light weight bricks ”Construction and Building Materials Volume 27 , Issue1 ,Pages 247-251. |
83 |
2012 |
20 |
Sumit A Balwaik, SP Raut , “Utilization of waste paper pulp by partial replacement of cement in concrete ” Int J Eng Res, Appl 1 (2), 300-309 |
76 |
2011 |
21 |
Anand Khangan , Sagar Dhengare, S.P.Raut, N.V.Bandwal , “Investigation into Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as Supplementary Cementitious Material in Concrete” International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology, Volume 3 , Issue4 , Pages-109-111 |
20 |
2015 |
22 |
S.P. Raut, Dhiraj Agrawal, Pawan Hinge,U. P. Waghe, “Utilization of industrial waste in construction material – A review ” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Volume3 , Issue1 Pages- 8390-8397 |
19 |
2014 |
23 |
Sanjay Raut, Sachin Mandavgane, Rahul Ralegaonkar, “Thermal performance assessment of recycled paper mill waste–cement bricks using the small-scale model technique ” Journal of Energy Engineering , Volume-140 , Issue -4 , Pages- 04014001 |
13 |
2014 |
24 |
DR Kaushal, Yuji Tomita, RR Dighade, “Concentration at the pipe bottom at deposition velocity for transportation of commercial slurries through pipeline , Powder Technology Volume 125 , Issue 1 , Pages 89-101 |
55 |
2002 |
25 |
Sonali K Gadpalliwar, RS Deotale, Abhijeet R Narde , “To study the partial replacement of cement by GGBS & RHA and natural sand by quarry sand in concrete” IOSR Journal of mechanical and civil engineering ,Volume 11 , Issue 2 , Pages 69-77 |
44 |
2014 |
26 |
Amit A Sathawane, RS Deotale , “Analysis and design of flat slab and grid slab and their Cost comparison ” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications , Volume1, Issue 3 Pages 837-848 |
30 |
2011 |
27 |
R.S. Deotale, S.H.Sathawane, A.R.Narde, “Effect of partial replacement of cement by fly ash, rice husk ash with using steel fiber in concrete” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 6, Pages 1-8. |
21 |
2012 |
28 |
Satish D Kene, Pravin V Domke, Sandesh D Deshmukh, RS Deotale , “ Assessment of concrete strength using flyash and rice husk ash,” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , Volume 1 , Issue 3 Pages 524-534 |
20 |
2011 |
List of important Research Publications with citations =>10 (Google Scholar)
Sr.No. | Title of Paper ,Publication Details i.e. conf/journal page no. Authors | Cited by | Year of Publication |
1 | Energy efficient clustering in wireless sensor network using cluster of cluster heads, VV Deshpande, ARB Patil,2013 tenth international conference on wireless and optical communications … | 34 | 2013 |
2 | Online data back-up and disaster recovery techniques in cloud computing: A review, K Sharma, KR Singh, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) 2 (5 … | 33 | 2012 |
3 | RBCs and parasites segmentation from thin smear blood cell images | 27 | 2012 |
4 | Illumination and pose invariant face recognition: a technical review, KR Singh, MA Zaveri, MM Raghuwanshi, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial … | 26 | 2010 |
5 | Multi-class tweet categorization using map reduce paradigm,M Tare, I Gohokar, J Sable, D Paratwar, R Wajgi,International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 9 (2), 78-81 | 26 | 2014 |
6 | A new approach to local plastic surgery face recognition using near sets,KR Singh, RS Khedgaonkar, SP Gawande, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, NCICT Special … | 23 | 2011 |
7 | Cluster based anonymization for source location privacy in wireless sensor network, A Gurjar, ARB Patil,2013 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network … | 24 | 2013 |
8 | Anomaly based intrusion detection-a review,AS Raut, K R Singh,International Journal on Network Security 5 (3), 7 | 20 | 2014 |
9 | Text mining using metadata for generation of side information,SS Bhanuse, SD Kamble, SM Kakde,Procedia Computer Science 78, 807-814 | 20 | 2016 |
10 | A Technical Analysis of Image Stitching Algorithm, PK, KR Singh, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, 6 (1 … | 18* | 2015 |
11 | Segmentation based approach to detect parasites and RBCs in blood cell images LB Damahe, R Krishna, N Janwe, NV Thakur Int J Comput Sci Appl 4 (2), 71-81 | 18 | 2011 |
12 | A review on moving object detection and tracking methods in video | 17 | 2018 |
13 | Classification of Attacks Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) on KDDCUP’99 IDS Database,MV Kotpalliwar, R Wajgi, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network … | 25 | 2015 |
14 | Modified Three-Step Search Block Matching Motion Estimation and Weighted Finite Automata based Fractal Video Compression, SD Kamble, NV Thakur, PR Bajaj, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence 4 (4), | 16 | 2017 |
15 | Android speech to text converter for SMS application, A Jadhav, A Patil, IOSR Journal of Engineering 2 (3), 420-423 | 15 | 2012 |
16 | Review on Detection and Mitigation of Sybil attacN in the networN, AM Bhisea, SD Kamble,Procedia Computer Science 78, 395-401 | 13 | 2016 |
17 | Fractal video coding using modified three-step search algorithm for block-matching motion estimation, SD Kamble, NV Thakur, LG Malik, PR Bajaj, Computational Vision and Robotics, 151-162 | 13 | 2015 |
19 | A technical review on text recognition from images, PM Manwatkar, KR Singh, 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control … | 12 | 2015 |
20 | Rough membership function based illumination classifier for illumination invariant face recognition, KR Singh, MA Zaveri, MM Raghuwanshi,Applied Soft Computing 13 (10), 4105-4117 | 12 | 2013 |
21 | Network Attacks and Their Detection Mechanisms: A Review, NS Mangrulkar, ARB Patil, AS Pande, International Journal of Computer Applications 90 (9) | 13
| 2014 |
22 | A Review on Block Matching Motion Estimation and Automata Theory based Approaches for Fractal Coding,SD Kamble, NV Thakur, PR Bajaj, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence 4 (2) | 11 | 2016 |
23 | Color video compression based on fractal coding using quadtree weighted finite automata, SD Kamble, NV Thakur, LG Malik, PR Bajaj, Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications, 649-658 | 11 | 2015 |
24 | Prediction and severity estimation of diabetes using data mining technique, VR Balpande, RD Wajgi, 2017 International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry … | 12 | 2017 |
25 | Sentence boundary detection for Marathi language, N Wanjari, GM Dhopavkar, NB Zungre, Procedia Computer Science 78 (C), 550-555 | 11 | 2016 |
26 | Image retrieval and re-ranking techniques-a survey, MD Joshi, RM Deshmukh, KN Hemke, A Bhake, R Wajgi, Signal & Image Processing 5 (2), 1 | 10 | 2014 |
27 | Energy distributed clustering for improving lifetime of wireless sensor network, VV Deshpande, ARB Patil, International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE) 1 (7), 62-65 | 10 | 2013 |
28 | Recognizing faces under varying poses with three states hidden Markov model,KR Singh, MA Zaveri, MM Raghuwanshi, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation … | 10 | 2012 |
29 | Authorized deduplication: an approach for secure cloud environment | 10 | 2016 |
30 | Grammar checking system using rule based morphological process for an indian language L Bopche, G Dhopavkar, M Kshirsagar International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems, 524-531 | 10 | 2011 |
List of important Research Publications with citations =>10 (Google Scholar)
Sr No | Title of Paper ,Publication Details i.e. conf/journal page no. Authors | Google scholar Citations | Year of Publications |
1 | Tuning of PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols method for speed control of DC motor PM Meshram, RG Kanojiya IEEE-international conference on advances in engineering, science and … | 152 | 2012 |
2 | Optimal tuning of PI controller for speed control of DC motor drive using particle swarm optimization RG Kanojiya, PM Meshram | 75 | 2012 |
3 | Reliability analysis of solar photovoltaic system using hourly mean solar | 74 | 2010 |
4 | Wind electric power in the world and perspectives of its development in | 47 | 2009 |
5 | An application of a tent map initiated Chaotic Firefly algorithm for optimal overcurrent relay coordination SS Gokhale, VS Kale International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 78, 336-342 | 44 | 2016 |
6 | Mini-hydro power generation on existing irrigation projects: Case study of Indian sites SP Adhau, RM Moharil, PG Adhau | 44 | 2012 |
7 | Simplified Space Vector Modulation Techniques for Multilevel Inverters I Ahmed, V Borghate, A Matsa, PM Meshram, H Suryawanshi, …IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics 31 (12), pp. 8483-8499, December 2016 | 32 | 2016 |
8 | Reactive power compensation of wind energy distribution system using Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) | 20 | 2012 |
9 | A modified switched-diode topology for cascaded multilevel inverters RR Karasani, VB Borghate, PM Meshram, HM Suryawanshi | 20 | 2016 |
10 | Sliding mode control of single-phase grid-connected quasi-Z-source | 18 | 2017 |
11 | An Isolated Multi-Input ZCS DC–DC Front-End-Converter Based | 13 | 2017 |
12 | A simplified space-vector PWM for three level inverters applied to | 12 | 2009 |
13 | A review of power quality problems-voltage sags for different faults | 12 | 2013 |
14 | Current controlled PWM for multilevel voltage-source inverters with | 12 | 2014 |
15 | Distributed power flow controller using single phase DSSC to realize | 12 | 2016 |
16 | A novel voltage balancing method applied to direct control strategy of | 11 | 2012 |
17 | Generator system reliability analysis including wind generators using | 11 | 2007 |
18 | Reassessment of irrigation potential for micro hydro power generation | 10 | 2010 |
List of important Research Publications with citations =>10 (Google Scholar)
Sr.No | Title of Paper, Publication details i.e., author, conference/journal, page no | Cited by | Year of Publication |
Texture classification using a novel, soft-set theory based classification algorithm | 155 | 2006 | |
Color image segmentation: Rough-set theoretic approach | 121 | 2008 | |
Histopathological image analysis using image processing techniques: An overview | 94 | 2012 | |
Segmentation of brain MR images using rough set based intuitionistic fuzzy clustering | 62 | 2016 | |
A-IFS histon based multithresholding algorithm for color image segmentation | 50 | 2009 | |
Classification of breast cancer histopathology images using texture feature analysis | 40 | 2015 | |
Automated detection of optic disk in retinal fundus images using intuitionistic fuzzy histon segmentation | 36 | 2013 | |
FCM clustering algorithms for segmentation of brain MR images | 30 | 2016 | |
Application of intuitionistic fuzzy histon segmentation for the automated detection of optic disc in digital fundus images | 27 | 2012 | |
Multi-level thresholding algorithm for color image segmentation NM Nimbarte, MM Mushrif | 24 | 2010 | |
Segmentation of brain MR images using intuitionistic fuzzy clustering algorithm | 19 | 2012 | |
Breast histopathology image segmentation using spatio‐colour‐texture based graph partition method | 18 | 2016 | |
Leaky least mean square (LLMS) algorithm for channel estimation in BPSK-QPSK-PSK MIMO-OFDM system | 13 | 2013 | |
Color image segmentation using kernalized fuzzy c-means clustering | 11 | 2015 | |
Evaluation of multipath, unipath and hybrid routing protocols for vehicular Ad hoc networks | 15 | 2011 | |
Improvement of QoS in VANET with different mobility patterns | 13 | 2012 | |
Vehicle classification and communication using zigbee protocol | 11 | 2010 | |
Modeling and Designing of Circular Microstrip Antenna for 2009 Wireless Communication Sachin S Khade, Prasanna L Zade, NK Choudhary Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET), 2009 2nd International Conference on Pages 1189-1194, Publisher IEEE | 17 | 2009 | |
Introduction to reversible logic gates & its application | 38 | 2011 | |
Design of sequential circuit using reversible logic | 20 | 2012 | |
Design of sequential circuit using reversible logic, IEEE-International Conference Advances in Engineering | 13 | 2012 | |
Enhancement of image retrieval by using colour, texture and shape features 2014 International Conference on Electronic Systems, Signal Processing and Computing Technologies Pages | 25 | 2014 | |
Image retrieval by using colour, texture and shape features | 14 | 2014 | |
Object recognition for blind people using portable camera Vikky Mohane, Chetan Gode 2016 World Conference on Futuristic Trends in Research and Innovation for Social Welfare (Startup Conclave)Pages 1-4 | 10 | 2016 | |
MIMO-future wireless communication | 24 | 2013 | |
Diversity techniques for wireless communication | 22 | 2013 | |
Design and implementation of energy efficient adiabatic ECRL and basic gates | 11 | 2015 | |
Embedded web server on Nios II embedded FPGA platform | 19 | 2009 | |
Vedic mathematics for fast multiplication in DSP | 12 | 2013 | |
Implementation of 4×4 crossbar switch for Network Processor | 10 | 2011 | |
Smart vehicle tracking system | 17 | 2012 | |
Adaptive Median filter for image enhancement | 11 | 2013 | |
Design of FPGA based Instruction fetch & decode Module of 32-bit RISC (MIPS) processor | 38 | 2011 |
List of important Research Publications with citations =>10 (Google Scholar)
Sr. No. | Title of Paper, Publication Details i.e. conf/journal page no. Authors | Cited by | Year of Publication |
1 | Micro-controller Based Remote Monitoring using Mobile through spoken commands, Journal of Networks 3 (2), 58-63, NP Jawarkar, V Ahmed, SA Ladhake, RD Thakare | 68 | 2008 |
2 | Design of FPGA based instruction fetch & decode module of 32-bit RISC(MIPS) processor, 2011 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, Rupali S Balpande, Rashmi S Keote | 38 | 2011 |
3 | Retinal blood vessel segmentation, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Volume 1, Issue 3, pp 175-178, 2012, Joshi, Shilpa; Karule, PT; | 34 | 2012 |
4 | Remote Control using mobile through spoken commands, International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Processing, NP Jawarkar, V Ahmed, RD Thakare | 28 | 2007 |
5 | Multi-digit quaternary adder on programmable device: Design & verification, 2008 International Conference on Electronic Design, 1-4, PK Dakhole, DG Wakde | 24 | 2008 |
6 | Embedded Web Server on Nios II Embedded FPGA Platform, Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology, Nivedita N. Joshi ; P. K. Dakhole ; P. P. Zode | 20 | 2009 |
7 | Design and implementation of 4-bit arithmetic logic unit using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata, 2013 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 1022-1029, MG Waje, PK Dakhole | 23 | 2013 |
8 | Embedded web server on Nios II embedded FPGA platform, 2009 Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, NN Joshi, PK Dakhole, PP Zode | 20 | 2009 |
9 | ARM hardware plaform for vehicular monitoring and tracking, 2013 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, SS Chakole, VR Kapur, YA Suryawanshi | 23 | 2013 |
10 | VLSI implementation of reduced complexity wallace multiplier using energy efficient CMOS full adder, IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Yogesh Suryanvanshi, Shahebaj Khan, Sandeep Kakde | 29 | 2013 |
11 | An asynchronous serial flash converter, 9th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems 1, 13-15, AM Dighe, AV Bapat | 17 | 2002 |
12 | LEACH based-energy efficient routing protocol for wireless sensor networks, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), pp. 4654-4658. IEEE, 2016. Singh Alka, Shubhangi Rathkanthiwar, and Sandeep Kakde | 16 | 2016 |
13 | LEACH based-energy efficient routing protocol for wireless sensor networks, 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization, A Singh, S Rathkanthiwar, S Kakde | 16 | 2016 |
14 | Design and simulation of new XOR gate and code converters using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata with reduced number of wire crossings, 2014 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies, MG Waje, PK Dakhole | 20 | 2014 |
15 | Comparison of 6-bit Thermometer-to-Binary Decoders for Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter”, International Conference on Communication system and network technologies, CSNT2012 Rajkot,12 May 2012, 978-0-7695-4692-6/12$26.00@2012IEEE, DOI10.1109/CSNT.2012.123, Ashwini Kale, Prachi Palsodkar, Dr.P.K.Dakhole,. | 11 | 2012 |
16 | Modeling of sigma-delta modulator non-idealities in MATLAB/Simulink, 2011 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network , S Jaykar, P Palsodkar, P Dakhole | 12 | 2011 |
17 | Energy efficient routing of WSN using particle swarm optimization and V-LEACH protocol, International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), pp. 2078-2082. IEEE, 2016, Singh Alka, Shubhangi Rathkanthiwar, and Sandeep Kakde | 11 | 2016 |
18 | Text mining using metadata for generation of side information, Procedia Computer Science 78 ,pp. 807-814, Bhanuse, Shraddha S., Shailesh D. Kamble, and Sandeep M. Kakde | 11 | 2016 |
19 | Design & implementation of JPEG2000 encoder using VHDL, Proceedings of the world congress on engineering 1, 2-4, KH Wagh, PK Dakhole, GA Vinod | 13 | 2008 |
20 | Energy efficient routing of WSN using particle swarm optimization and V-LEACH protocol, 2016 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP ), A Singh, S Rathkanthiwar, S Kakde | 25 | 2016 |
21 | Design of ARM based data acquisition & control using GSM & TCP/IP network, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Suraj Patinge, Yogesh Suryawanshi, Sandeep Kakde | 15 | 2013 |
22 | Implementation of health-care monitoring system using Raspberry Pi, International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), pp. 1083-1086. IEEE, 2015, ngole Abhilasha, Shrikant Ambatkar, and Sandeep Kakde. | 16 | 2015 |
23 | Design of ARM based data acquisition & control using GSM & TCP/IP network, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2013. Patinge Suraj, Yogesh Suryawanshi, and Sandeep Kakde | 15 | 2013 |
24 | A review on exudates detection methods for diabetic retinopathy, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp 215-225, 25th March, 2018. Joshi, Shilpa; Karule, PT; | 20 | 2018 |
25 | Implementation of health-care monitoring system using Raspberry Pi, 2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), Abhilasha Ingole, Shrikant Ambatkar, Sandeep Kakde | 16 | 2015 |
26 | Modeling of Sigma Delta Modulator non idealities in MATLAB /Simulink, CSNT -03-05 June 2011, Katara, J & K, IEEE DOI 10.1109/CSNT.2011.112) , Page no. 525-530 , ISBN: 978-1-4577-0543-4, INSPEC Accession Number: 12143226., Shashank Jaykar, Prachi Palsodkar, Dr.P.K.Dakhole | 12 | 2011 |
27 | Finger vein recognition, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), 32-36, S Kulkarni, Dr.R.D. Raut, Dr.P.K Dakhole | 12 | 2014 |
28 | Comparative analysis of 6 bit thermometer-to-binary decoders for flash analog-to-digital converter, 2012 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network , AV Kale, P Palsodkar, PK Dakhole | 10 | 2012 |
29 | Design and implementation of energy efficient Adiabatic ECRL and basic gates, IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Implementations (ICSCTI), Department of ECE, FET, MRIU, Faridabad, India, Oct 8-10, 2015, pp87-91, 978-1-4673-6792-9/15/$31.00©2015 IEEE, Keote, ML; Karule, P.T; | 10 | 2015 |
30 | Design of area and power aware reduced Complexity Wallace Tree multiplier, International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC), pp. 1-6. IEEE., Kakde Sandeep, Shahebaj Khan, Pravin Dakhole and Shailendra Badwaik | 11 | 2015 |
List of important Research Publications with citations =>10 (Google Scholar)
Sr.No. | Title of Paper ,Publication Details i.e. conf/journal page no. Authors | Cited by | Year of Publications |
1 | Six Sigma–a new direction to quality and productivity management TN Desai, RL Shrivastava Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, 22-24 | 88 | 2008 |
2 | Fresnel lens: a promising alternative of reflectors in concentrated solar power V Kumar, RL Shrivastava, SP Untawale Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44, 376-390 | 75 | 2015 |
3 | Fresnel lens: a promising alternative of reflectors in concentrated solar power V Kumar, RL Shrivastava, SP Untawale Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44, 376-390 | 75 | 2015 |
4 | Linkages between total quality management and organizational performance: an empirical study for Indian industry RL Shrivastava, RP Mohanty, RR Lakhe Production Planning & Control 17 (1), 13-30 | 63 | 2006 |
5 | Critical success factors for Lean Six Sigma in SMEs (small and medium enterprises) M Lande, RL Shrivastava, D Seth The TQM Journal 28 (4), 613-635 | 52 | 2016 |
6 | An innovative approach to evaluate green supply chain management (GSCM) drivers by using interpretive structural modeling (ISM) MAA Rehman, RL Shrivastava International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 8 (02), 315-336 | 48 | 2011 |
7 | Modeling and simulation of solar water heater: A TRNSYS perspective RL Shrivastava, V Kumar, SP Untawale Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 67, 126-143 | 36 | 2017 |
8 | Modeling and simulation of solar water heater: A TRNSYS perspective RL Shrivastava, V Kumar, SP Untawale Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 67, 126-143 | 36 | 2017 |
9 | Impact of green manufacturing practices on organisational performance in Indian context: an empirical study MA Rehman, D Seth, RL Shrivastava Journal of cleaner production 137, 427-448 | 36 | 2016 |
10 | Effect of Pre-Compression on Ovality of Pipe after Bending HTT A.V.Kale International Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 131 (3), 131201-1 to 131208 | 26 | 2009 |
11 | Assessment of bearing fault detection using vibration signal analysis AR Bhende, GK Awari, SP Untawale VSRD-TNTJ 2 (5), 249-261 | 24 | 2011 |
12 | Optimization of process parameters using Taguchi approach with minimum quantity lubrication for turning SS Chaudhari, SS Khedkar, NB Borkar International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) 1 (4 … | 24 | 2011 |
13 | Critical success factors for sustainable improvement in technical education excellence: A literature review AR Sahu, RR Shrivastava, RL Shrivastava The TQM Journal 25 (1), 62-74 | 24 | 2013 |
14 | Optimization of process parameters using Taguchi approach with minimum quantity lubrication for turning SS Chaudhari, SS Khedkar, NB Borkar International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) 1 (4 … | 24 | 2011 |
15 | Assessment of alternative fuels for transportation using hybrid graph theory and analytic hierarchy process method PML R V Rao,A V Kale Fuel, 9-16 | 23 | 2015 |
16 | Design and analysis of composite drive shaft using ANSYS and genetic algorithm-a critical review SR Dharmadhikari, SG Mahakalkar, JP Giri, ND Khutafale Int. J. Mod. Eng. Res 3 (1), 490-496 | 23 | 2013 |
17 | Green manufacturing (GM): past, present and future (a state of art review) MAA Rehman, RL Shrivastava World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 10 (1-2-3 … | 23 | 2013 |
18 | Key factors affecting the effectiveness of technical education–an Indian perspective AR Sahu, RL Shrivastava, RR Shrivastava Proceedings of the world congress on engineering 2, 2-4 | 23 | 2008 |
19 | Identification of critical success factors for quality-productivity management approach in different industries VS Gorantiwar, RL Shrivastava International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 14 (1), 66-106 | 20 | 2014 |
20 | Development and validation of an instrument for measuring critical success factors (CSFs) of technical education–a TQM approach AR Sahu, RR Shrivastava, RL Shrivastava International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 11 (1), 29-56 | 20 | 2013 |
21 | Selection of Cricket Players Using Analytical Hierarchy Process RVR Avinash Kamble, A V Kale International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering 5 (4), 207-212 | 19 | 2011 |
22 | Solar energy: review of potential green & clean energy for coastal and offshore applications V Kumar, RL Shrivastava, SP Untawale Aquatic Procedia 4, 473-480 | 19 | 2015 |
23 | Solar energy: review of potential green & clean energy for coastal and offshore applications V Kumar, RL Shrivastava, SP Untawale Aquatic Procedia 4, 473-480 | 19 | 2015 |
24 | Identification of performance measures of Lean Six Sigma in small-and medium-sized enterprises: a pilot study PP Shah, RL Shrivastava International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage 8 (1), 1-21 | 19 | 2013 |
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