
VLSI Design and Embedded System

VLSI Design & Embedded System is one of the major thrust areas in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. The objective of this group is to carry out research in VLSI signal processing, low power VLSI and Mixed Signal Processing further Advanced VLSI for various area such as digital signal processing, embedded system, communication applications etc. VLSI feature extractors and pattern classifiers are in high demand in real- time artificial intelligence applications. The main research problems includes Power dissipation in the various VLSI circuits Power, speed, area optimization. Latency, throughput output, delay. Maximum output time. Critical path. Fan-in, Fan-out. The group is working on different area like Low power adiabatic logic VLSI. Reversible logic. CORDIC based Architecture. Multi value logic. Many faculties in the Department have attended many Short Term Training Programs, Faculty Development Programs, Workshops, Seminars and Expert Lectures in the field of this Advanced VLSI Signal Processing to enhance the knowledge and quality of the research in this group.

Department had organized training program for the student in the area of CMOS VLSI Digital IC design for their development in this area.
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