
Water Pollution and Water Resource Engineering

Due to rapid growth in Industrialization, there is rapid growth in Industrial waste. The easy way for disposal of these Industrial wastes is open land and river. All these activities are destroying the environment. It is very important to assess the Water Pollution and wastewater quality before disposing to environment. Water Pollution and Water Resource Engineering research group of Department of Civil Engineering, YCCE is continuously working on this critical issue. All the project of this group is are dedicating to solve the concern issue. The imbalance in natural rain creates drought in one area & flood in another. Also having good rainfall there is very low water table in summer season. To address this issue Water Resource Engineering is very important factor. The study of the relevant characteristics of a Water Resource Engineering aimed at the sustainable distribution of its resources and the process of creating and implementing plans, programs, and projects to sustain and enhance watershed functions that affect the plant, animal, and human communities within a watershed boundary. The features of a Water Resource Engineering aim to manage water supply, water quality, drainage, storm water runoff, water rights, and the overall planning and utilization of water resources. The Water Resource Engineering is important for Landowners, land use agencies, storm water management experts, environmental specialists, water use surveyors and communities.
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